Thursday, April 16, 2009

Personal life affected!!!

I'm sitting @ my computer..totally depressed about my life...about this country and it truly does put you off...the situation in Fiji is just so freaking depressing...
I deal with all sorts of pressure and stress everyday even when my day is so unproductive...usually from my family and work....well you must be wondering what the hell has that got anything to do with the current political situation????.....well in my case just about everything..!!!
First of all I have a job...with a reasonable pay... but i hate it...i hate it...hate it ..hate is not my area of expertize, and its not the industry that i hoped to be in..i wanted something in the Tourism industry...I had big hopes and ambitions about becoming a hotel manager and right now because of the current political state of Fiji, I've had to change my whole 7 year plan that i set out from high school to achieve...and had to put my ambitions and dreams on hold....
This is not the Fiji i know...the Fiji i knew had a booming Tourism industry... loads of job opportunities...and was moving forward with the rest of the world...but now we seem to be moving back...
and yeah I should be thankful for the job I have now even thought its not the one of my dreams...and even though I'm not happy...and @ least I'm earning some money to support my myself and not rely too much on my family......just to ease the stress!!!
But then when you think about really hard and this might sound selfish....why the fuck should I???
Why the hell should I be grateful...and pretend to be happy...????
Is this somehow my fault???..I could have by dream job.....if fuck face hadn't spoilt the whole dam situation in our country...i wouldn't be in this mess...
So yea I'm frustrated and that wrong??? Is that my fault????

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