Tuesday, April 14, 2009

mai view

Fiji is now a full military dictatorship.
We the citizens have been deprived of our freedoms. We can't speakly freely about what has taken place without fear of being reported on to the police or military and taken in for questioning. We know from a news website that the President of the Fiji Law Society DS Naidu, has being arrested, also reporter Edwin Nand from Fiji TV, but because of censoring of the news through the public emergency regulations, others could be in police detention or detained in their homes. We simply have no way of knowing exactly what's going on. This is a dreadful situation for the people of our country to be in.
It is illegal for more than 3 people to meet and have a discussion in public and I suppose any negative talk about the dictator Bainimarama and his henchmen is considered "illegal" as well. What on earth are these goons frightened of that they move swiftly about the country frantically trying to suppress differing opinions and dissent? I supopose they are jittery about the people. That's us. As for the the President, he is now totally compromised and without credibility. He has become the mouthpiece and rubber stamp of the dictator. He had no legal authority whatsoever to do what he did on Good Friday - abrogate the Constitution, and appoint the prime minister. The question arises then, has the Constitution really been abrogated? I personally believe not.It can't be trashed just because the representative of a despot says it is. It don't work that way any more.
One day the long arm of the law will catch up to them all. Look what happened to former President Fuji Mori of Peru, Sahrarto of Indonesia, Peinochet of Chille and Polpot of Cambodia and his killers.
The law got them all and it will get the law breakers and dictators in Fiji too..its a matter of time but i personally think the time is now for the people of Fiji to rise against this illegal regime and bring back democracy and freedom to our beloved country.

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